I'm new to the blogosphere, and would appreciate any constructive commentary! My intention for this space is to share repurposing ideas for 'stuff'. It bothers me to throw things away. Some would call that being a packrat, maybe so. But more important to me than the keeping of the 'stuff', is what happens to it when it's thrown out, so I try to find other uses for 'stuff'. I recently was given an amazing book -"The Story of Stuff" by Annie Leonard, and reading it only cemented my already strong conviction to REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE. I'll post things I try repurposing, with my opionion of the results. Also, I'd love contributions, so if you have any repurposing ideas for nearly anything, please post. If you have questions about what to do with 'stuff', or if I do, we'll put it out there and see what folks have tried. The repurpose can be purely practical or out there artistic. It doesn't matter, the focus is keeping 'stuff' out of the landfills, and giving 'stuff' new life.
I would also like to point out that being conscious of what we purchase, including packaging, is as important in reducing the 'stuff' in the landfills, as looking for another use for it.
Here goes.
Socks. I never know what to do with old socks. I have three boys, who are all nearly grown, and they have put holes in massive numbers of socks. When they are through with them, the socks no longer would keep other feet warm, so what to do with them? Some I cut the toes out of and put over cords to keep them together. Others can be used as stuffing for pillows or put them on your hand as a duster(instead of spending money on those commercial dusters made out of "I don't know what"). Of course, the classic if you have small children in your life, sock puppets. If you're inclined to a more tedious process, the socks can be cut up and made into rag rugs. Haven't tried that one yet- I need more lessons in patience. Wait, maybe that would provide those lessons? : ) And my final idea is the classic for all trashed fabric stuff- rags.
Given the amount of socks we've been through, these uses only touch the tip of the sock-iceburg. What else? What do YOU do with old socks?